Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pardon My Dust

I've taken the leap and added an INK FAQ page link to the sidebar. It will take you to the new INK FAQ blog page I set up to hold all our permanent information, like the FAQ, our own author bios, and whatever else strikes our fancy.

Take a look and send me any ideas you have for improvement and suggestions for content!


C.S. said...

Excellent job!! Looks great from here. We're working on some questions and hope to have some ready by tomorrow evening.

Kami said...

Thanks for setting this up! I have some faq questions and answers I wrote yesterday. I might add to them tonight, but if not, I'll just print them out in the morning and take them to work with me.

See y'all there!

C. Jane Reid said...

Thanks. I'm looking forward to getting actual content on that page! I think I'm going to add our blog and websites addies over there, too, under our pics.

Looking forward to seeing the additional FAQ Q&A's! And to seeing everyone else tonight!