Monday, January 21, 2008


I'm glad that I have some editing goals to focus on, because Golem, my beloved little typewriter, isn't doing so well. I guess three months of daily writing are starting to wear him down. I'll type about 30 characters and then suddenly the piece looks like bnvou294 ai4 ii9039sd. I've done all the troubleshooting I can on my own. I know it is some problem with the daisy wheel, but I haven't been able to fix it. Resetting it only helps for a couple of lines and then it slips again into nonsense.

I'm sad. I'll have to move my daily writing onto Phoenix, which won't be nearly the same. I really didn't anticipate Golem breaking down. I've never had problems with any of my typewriters in the past.

I have an email out to the company. If they can't give me suggestions, at least I have an extended warranty through Staples, where I bought him. It's just a bothering and I've been doing so well keeping up with my writing. I just have to persevere to finish it on Phoenix instead.

Sigh. I miss the view out the back window already. The birds have been gathering there around the bread I've been tossing them. And we have two squirrels visiting now.

Ah well. Hopefully I can have this resolved within a few days. A week at most. And still have the next 21 pages of Warrior Storm written and printed.

It is seriously time to consider a laptop.

I am excited to be working on Reven again, though! Wee hee, that is such a fun bunch of characters!

1 comment:

Kami said...

Aw, poor Golem. Here's to hoping that it's an easy fix.