Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January INK meeting 01/22/2010

Welcome to 2010. Our first meeting of the year will take place this Friday, January 22nd at the Mall 205 Elmer's Restaurant at 7 p.m.

9660 Southeast Stark Street
Portland, OR 97216-2404

Google map link

The restaurant closes at 10 p.m. and there is WiFi access.

Hope to see you there!


Kami said...

I'll be there. And if I'm not, for pity's sake call me because I probably had a date fail.

Sometimes I think it's Thursday when in fact it's Friday. You know how it goes with me.

Mark Jones said...

I'll be there too.

C.S. said...

Me too!

Kami said...

A good time was had by all.

Mark Jones said...

Give me the keys to the kingdom! I command it! The power of Elvis compels you! THE POWER OF ELVIS COMPELS YOU!